Moneymaking Electronic Newsletter Tips
So you have a list of subscribers and now it’s time to launch your newsletter. Your goal…to make money, right? How do you accomplish that with a newsletter? Here are five ways to create a moneymaking newsletter.
1. Sell ad space. In addition to selling advertisement space on your website, you can sell ad space on your newsletter. In fact, if you have a high circulation, lots of subscribers, then many businesses will likely be more interested in buying ad space in your newsletter than on your website.
Why? Because they can match their ad to fit your content rather than placing a banner ad on a site and hoping for the best. If, for example, you’re featuring a newsletter with the top 25 best hotels for dogs, then hotels for dogs can buy ad space in that newsletter and find the perfect audience.
2. Fill in the gaps in ad space with your own affiliate ads. Even if you’re not an affiliate marketer by trade, you can promote a few relevant products and fill your empty ad space with affiliate ads. This way you have the opportunity to earn a commission on a sale until someone purchases that ad space.
3. Speaking of affiliate marketing, your newsletter is a great place to write product or service reviews for companies you promote. And of course inserting a few carefully placed affiliate links will earn click-throughs and commissions.
4. Promote and sell your own products. Tread lightly here. You can use your newsletter to promote your own products or services; however, the general rule of thumb for newsletter content is 80% informative content and 20% promotion. If your newsletter looks like a walking billboard, it’s going to turn off readers and subscribers.
5. Increase your subscribers. The more subscribers you have, the more money you’ll be able to make from your newsletter. Each of the above methods works better with more subscribers. Advertisers will pay top dollar to gain a placement in a newsletter that reaches thousands of people in their target audience.
You’ll get more money in commissions on those affiliate ads and click-throughs, and of course when you do promote your own products and services, you’ll be marketing to a larger audience.
When creating your moneymaking newsletter, there are a few things to keep in mind. The first is to make sure you’re sending out a quality, informative, and hopefully entertaining newsletter that people look forward to, open, read and forward to friends and associates.
It’s also important to choose an editorial schedule and stick to it. If you say you’re going to publish weekly, then that is what you need to do. This means it’s important to be realistic about your time before you commit.
Finally, do what you can to test and track open rates. For whatever reason, your audience may be much more inclined to open your newsletter at 9:00 on a Monday morning than they are at 9:30 on a Wednesday morning. This information is important to know.
Creating a moneymaking newsletter isn’t difficult, but like anything that’s worthwhile, it takes careful planning, dedication and the willingness to adapt and grow when circumstances require it. To your success!