How To Create a Great Landing Page with Eye-Catching Graphic Designs
Your website is the first impression your visitors have of you. Like a book cover, your website has about 20 or so seconds to capture their attention or they’ll click away. Great landing page design with the right eye-catching graphic design elements can pull your visitors into your site.
The elements of graphic design include:
- Shapes
- Lines
- Color
- Type
- Images
- Texture
- Balance
They all need to work together to create an overall appealing page. Balance for example would be offset if you have a
large image or logo in the upper right hand corner of your page and no graphics or design elements on the left hand side
of the page. They don’t have to be symmetrical to be balanced.
1. Each of the elements of graphic design can be integrated into your web design. For example, shapes, color, type or font and texture can all be used in the design of your logo. They can all be integrated into your header.
2. The focus of your website design should be to support your content, not to detract from it. Flash and other graphic images should always support your content.
3. Your Headline and call to action are actually design elements too. They will have color and type that will draw attention to them in a manner that appeals to your audience.
4. Your opt in box is another design element to pay attention to. Make sure your opt in box has a background color that makes the it noticeable. You want to draw your visitor’s eye to it.
5. Images and photos. Images and photos can really bring your website landing page to life. There are two keys to remember, the first is that your website must load quickly which means your image files need to be small around 30KB per image or less, while still retaining medium to high quality.
6. The second key is that the image has to have a purpose. Is it there to evoke emotion? Is it there to demonstrate how to use a product? What is the purpose of the photo or image? For example, you may want to put your own picture on your landing page to help people relate to you and to build your brand.
7. Use design elements to help brand your business and to draw readers into your site like a good book cover will draw a reader to flip the book over and read the back cover. Your website design alone won’t usually sell products or services but it will motivate your visitors to read your content and that’s the first step to lasting success and a powerful landing page design.
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